Today we are here with a different story.
There are days you try to start off with a smoothie in the colour of radioactive swamp water. And yes “snacking” On seven almonds is good for hearts… But our hearts always long for cheese fries.
An idle mind may be devil’s workshop. But, an empty stomach is devil’s playground too.
Food is not only an essential part of the daily routine but also the most exciting one. Today our students of Zion marched on the roads of Kodaikanal joining hands with fssaiĀ To Dessiminate the importance of manducating healthy food.
T- shirts and caps were distributed, slogans were hummed, sense of healthy food for healthy life was injected into the hearts of onlookers, local residents and the media representatives present for the rally. The rally started exactly at 8am near Bryant’s park culminating near Golden parks inn.
“Healthy food kadsĀ healthy country”.
” Eat healthy India”
Jai hind!!!