Each student is responsible for maintaining a safe, systematic, orderly and disciplined environment at school. Students are expected to:

•    Respect their peers and all staff members.
•    Respect school property and the belongings of others.
•    Attend school daily and be prompt for all classes.
•    Obtain proper permission before availing leave.
•    Adhere to the school’s dress code.
•    Refrain from possessing cell phones or any other electronic items.

•   Complete daily assignments in a timely manner.
•    Enthusiastically partake in all of the school’s activities.
•    Amicably resolve any differences with others in a nonviolent fashion.
•    Remain free of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal narcotics.
•    Refrain from possessing weapons of any nature that may cause bodily harm.
•    Comply with the school’s rules regarding absences, exams and extra classes.

kodaikanal school

• Possession of cell phones, Ipods, Ipads, tablets, gaming devices, computers or other electronic equipment within the school premises without prior consent from management will result in confiscation of such items.

• Possession of all weapons including pocketknives, blades, arms and ammunition or any such items that are capable of inflicting bodily harm is deemed as a threat and will result in immediate disciplinary action.

• Possession of or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco or any illicit drugs will result in instant dismissal from the school.

• Possession of obscene literature, use of vulgar language and lewd conduct are grounds for severe penal action.

• Deliberate destruction or vandalism of all school property including furniture, flooring, walls, windows, toilets, utensils, electronic gear and sporting items are subject to heavy fines.

• Verbal threats or physical confrontations with fellow students or staff members regardless of hierarchy will result in stern disciplinary measures.

• Tardiness, excessive absenteeism, noncompliance with dress code and defiance of school rules will lead to punitive action.